Faith No More

1) one of a few bands that changed the face of rock music by being totally origional! The band was started by founder members Billy Gould (Bass) and Mike "puffy" Bordin (drums)Under the name Faith no man! who then went on to enrole Roddy Bottum (Keyboards) Jim Martin (guitars) and Chuck Morsley (vocals)and form Faith No More! After the release of their second Album (Introduce yourself) Chuck Morsley Was then fired Due to drink and drug problems (He is now a chef and the singer in a band called cement). they then enrolled courtney love as a singer she never actually recoarded anything with the band because she was fired after a year for being too much of a dictator. After a listen of a demo cassette by a Californian band (Mr Bungle) Jim Martin Pursuaded Billy Gould and the Rest of the band to contact the Bands singer and see if he would sing for them! At 19 the fresh faced singer Michael Allen Patton agreed to take the job and for the band this was the best thing that could happen not only did they have a new singer they had a new sound a Hybrid of Metal, funk, Rap and techno with clean vocals and energy the band even had top a ten single in the UK (Epic). The Band Seemed Invinceble right up until their third release with Patton (King For A Day) where the band were dealing with numerous personal and profesional Problems this was the first album they had made without the presence of Jim martin on guitar, a lot of emotin is heard through this album Roddy Bottum didnt have much of a part in wrighting this album as he was dealing with the death of his farther and his rehabilitation of a Drug Habit. Jim martin was replaced by Trey spruance (Mr Bungle, secret chiefs
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Faith No More. Some of the top words include: The Beatles, nirvana, finch, floffus, Thursday, and 25 more.